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ICT: The Modern Hero in this Modernized Society

Updated: Feb 12, 2021

Do you often find yourself spending hours and hours on Tiktok? Can't physically stop playing games online? Are you compulsively shopping online? Finding yourself always checking your phone every second of the day? Is your excessive computer/phone use interfering with your daily life – relationships, work, school? If you answered Yes!, to any of these questions, you may suffering from ICT Dependency and Internet Addiction.

The world is constantly rising and the use information in communication technology (ICT) became more flexible than ever especially these times, that health crisis is affecting the whole world, people tend to rely heavily on ICT. COVID 19 opened the doorway for ICT to step in and make the best use of it;Home and Domestic Activities, Social Networking, Education, Health, Commerce, Banking, and Employment.

Dependence to ICT made people's work a lot more easier. Radio, television, smartphones, and personal computers are just some of innovative changes brought by these modernized world to aid and ease people's works, particularly for teenagers. More than half (56%) of teens — defined in this report as those ages 13 to 17 — go online several times a day, and 12% report once-a-day use. Just 6% of teens report going online weekly, and 2% go online less often.(Pew Research Center).

This previously mentioned issue became an evident proof that, as the world keeps on modernizing, modern people constantly rely to the use of ICT.

In this 21st century, the term “Technology” is an important issue in many fields including education. This is because technology has become the knowledge transfer highway in most countries. Technology integration nowadays has gone through innovations and transformed our societies that has totally changed the way people think, work and live. As part of this, schools and other educational institutions which are supposed to prepare students to live in “a knowledge society” need to consider ICT integration in their curriculum.

Integration of Information, Communication, and Technology (ICT) in education refers to the use of computer based communication that incorporates into daily classroom instructional process. In conjunction with preparing students for the current digital era, teachers are seen as the key players in using ICT in their daily classrooms.

This is due to the capability of ICT in providing dynamic and proactive teaching-learning environment. While, the aim of ICT integration is to improve and increase the quality, accessibility and cost-efficiency of the delivery of instruction to students, it also refers to benefits from networking the learning

communities to face the challenges of current globalization. Process of adoption of ICT is not a single step, but it is ongoing and continuous steps that fully support teaching and learning and information resources.

ICT integration in education generally means technology-based teaching and learning process that closely relates to the utilization of learning technologies in schools. Due to the fact that students are familiar with technology and they will learn better within technology-based environment, the issue of ICT integration in schools, specifically in the classroom is vital. This is because, the use of technology in education contributes a lot in the education aspects in which the application of ICT will lead to effective learning with the help and supports from ICT elements and components. It is right to say that almost all ranges of subjects starts from mathematics, science, languages, arts and humanistic and other major fields can be learned more effectively through technology-based tools and equipment.

In addition, ICT provides the help and complementary supports for both teachers and students where it involves effective learning with the help of the computers to serve the purpose of learning aids. Computers and technology does not acts as a replacing tools for quality teachers but instead they are considered as an add-on supplements needed for the better teaching and learning. The need for ICT integration in education is crucial, because with the help of technology, teaching and learning is not only happening in the school environment, but also can happen even if teachers and students are physically in distance. However, ICT integration is not a one-step learning process, but it is a continual process of learning that provides proactive teaching-learning environment.

ICT can be used in various ways where it helps both teachers and students to learn about their respective subject areas. A technology- based teaching and learning offers various interesting ways

which includes educational videos, stimulation, storage of data, the usage of databases, mind-mapping, guided discovery, brainstorming, music, World Wide Web (www) that will make the learning process more fulfilling and meaningful. On the other hand, students will benefit from ICT integration where they are not bounded to the limited curriculum and resources, instead hands-on activities in a technology-based course is designed to help them to stimulate their understanding about the subject. It also helps teachers to design their lesson plans in an effective, creative and interesting approach that would result in students active learning. Previous researches proved that use of ICT in teaching will enhance the learning process and maximizes the students abilities in active learning.

In today's interrelated world, information and communication technology (ICT) is extensively used by our country and it affects our lives everyday. In the current digital age everyday new technology comes as ICT riot. These new technologies have been accessible by people in their everyday life and increase their living standards. Now days, many ICT gadgets are used in our life and they facilitate with mobility thus used anywhere and anytime. These gadgets operate for Information, Speed, and Communication and reduce the physical and mental human work load. By that principles, modern day gadgets truly helped mankind in daily life. ICT has contributed a lot to change our everyday life such as letter to e-mail, market shopping to on-line shopping, classroom learning to e-learning, etc.

According to the Villanova University, the Internet dependence is a term for excessive use of the Internet to the detriment of one’s physical, psychological, social, or vocational well-being. A large percentage of people on Earth find themselves often drawn to their phones and computers. But Just because you use the Internet a lot – watch a lot of YouTube videos, shop online frequently, or like to check social media does not mean you suffer from ICT Dependency and Internet Addiction. The Real trouble comes when these activities start to interfere with your daily life.

Anyone can become dependent on the internet. Males and females as well as members of all races, ethnicities, religions, and cultures. Many factors could contribute on internet Dependency directly and indirectly. For example, spending time on the internet could be a temporary escape from uncomfortable situations and emotions. People who are shy and socially anxious finds comfort on being hidden behind their phones and computers. Similarly Individuals who have a history of impulsive or compulsive behaviors, for example, may have more difficulty than others resisting various forms of satiation available online.

Attempting to envision what life would resemble without innovation is essentially outlandish.

We are so reliant on innovation that it became a necessary piece of our lives. Innovation has made life simpler, more helpful, more secure, and more charming. Nearly all that we do includes innovation somehow, which makes one wonder - would we say we are, as a general public, too reliant on innovation?

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